PO Splitting: Identifying a PO Split
Purchase Order (PO) Splitting allows you to associate a PO amount amongst multiple marketing investments. This provides a more granular and precise view into your actual spend with the ability to break down and associate your POs to the exact investment. By determining a PO Split, you can see where your amounts have been allocated for later reference.

On the Budget tab, navigate to the PO map screen by clicking the map (x) hyperlink in the desired POs column.
Click the View Split hyperlink to view your split and allocations.
The Map POs screen is displayed. You can determine the splits by the Split column. Only split POs will have a View Split hyperlink entered in that column.

On the Investments tab, navigate to the PO panel by clicking the Roll-up panel icon beside the desired marketing investment and selecting PO from the side panel.
Highlight the PO line for which you would like to see the investment split percentage.
Select Edit Purchase order button.
To view the allocation of the PO split, select Manage Split. This will open the Manage Split for PO page.
If enabled, you can determine the Split % column in the PO panel, for quick viewing.
The Edit Purchase Order screen is displayed.
If PO line is split between multiple investments the answer to the question - is this PO split? will have the YES button selected.
Note: If the answer to the question - is this PO split? is NO, the PO and its amounts are not distributed between investments but are stored against one marketing investment.
You have determined a PO split from the Investments tab.